Thursday, January 27, 2011

Babies having babies...

LAYLA --> The love of my life. My baby. My gorgeous Golden Retriever.
(You've been introduced in an earlier post.)

Last Thursday, January 20, 2011, my lovely baby had babies!
My love for skype grew immensely as I was able to witness the event for half the night.

Much to our surprise she only had 4 puppies this time around, (as opposed to the 9 she had last summer). Two big fatty girls, a big fatty boy, and a tiny little boy that didn't make it. Since this puppy extravaganza was unexpected, we are just extremely grateful my Layla is healthy and happy!

This is the baby daddy, Elway. He belongs to my family and is Layla's soul mate.
They are seriously the cutest together. Constantly snuggling, wrestling, and running.

My baby had babies...again. :)

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