Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heels. Head. Standards.

A square peg in a round hole....

You all know the saying. I assume you are familiar with the feeling as well.
Why do we do this sometimes? 
(I say we, as if I am not the only one... humor me.) 

Like when you know something/someone isn't for you, yet you keep trying in hopes of that changing the inevitable? Interesting how that is.... we either apply more pressure on the peg in order to get it into the hole, or we compromise, lower our standards, and sand down the sides of our peg.
Oftentimes I realize when something isn't quite right or when I get the answer I wasn't exactly hoping for. Depending on my level on desire, I keep trying and pursuing that thing, as if asking God if He would like to change His mind about the item at hand. Silly. Stupid. Waste of time. God doesn't change His mind.

We mustn't forget:

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Heels: Confidence. Nobody deserves your love more than you do. High heels do wonders for your mood (and butt). They instantly make you feel 100% better about whatever outfit you are wearing. Heels promote strutting, showing people what you're made of, and tackling all of life's problems. As my girl Audrey Hepburn says, "Happiest girls are the prettiest girls." This applies to males as well, (even if they only wear heels in private).

Head: Resilience. Erase all negativity of thought. You are a child of God. At some point we all fall, fail, cry, and hurt... that is a given. How you handle misfortune is your choice. Don't let life get you down. Choose gratitude and happiness for every day you live. As the love of my life, Rocky Balboa says, "It ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward." 

Standards: Remember who you are and what that means. You deserve the very best, but nobody is going to hand it to you. Never compromise your standards for any thing or person, ever. You'd rather wait longer than settle for something less that eternal joy. Never settle. As Dr.Seuss says, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Never forget that each moment you have the opportunity to be a good example.

I promise you that the Lord has a plan for each one of us. We don't always know what that plan entails, but if we press forward with faith, I know that everything will fall in to place. 

Embrace your peg!

<3 Living the Dream,

REMEMBER: Carry on.

1 comment:

The Neus said...

I love you. You inspire me. Thank you.